Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Alcea Hollyhock Flowers with Polkadoodles


Hello everyone!  I'm sharing more beautiful flowers with you today. 
These are a particular favorite of mine from

This digital stamp set is so gorgeous!  And Hollyhocks come in many
different this pale yellow with a pink center!  Let me show you
how I made this card!  I started out by sizing and printing out the cluster
image in my computer.  Lengthwise the image measures a little over
4 1/2".

I looked on Google Images for color inspiration.  I just loved how soft
and spring like these yellow ones were.

I also kept the palette for my leaves fairly light and soft.

Copic colors used:  Y000, Y00, Y21, Y11, Y02, R83,
YG21, YG11, YG63, YG03, Y19

Once the coloring was completed, I fussy cut the image, leaving a
small white border around it.  I also trimmed out 
a white panel that is 4" x 5 1/4" and used an embossing
folder on it.  I made an A2 size white top folding notecard for the base.

I also decided to use a plain sentiment that I have in my sentiment stash.  I
adhered the embossed panel onto the card base.  I put foam tape on the back
of the flower base and then added some peachy yellow gems to the background
and that finished this lovely spring card.

This card was so easy to make.  The image colored up very quickly
and looks so lovely against the embossed background.  You can find
this digital stamp set, that includes some sentiments as well as
some background papers, and so much more at

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Til next time...


In my capacity as a temporary design team member for Polkadoodles, I do receive the products I use from them. 

All opinions and creative decisions remain my own, and I only work with companies/use products that I love.

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