Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Buzzy Bee Honey with Polkadoodles


Hello everyone!  Hope everyone is in good health and enjoying milder
weather.  Today I'm sharing how I made this sweet card using products from

I loved this image so much I pulled out all the colors!  I will list my colors
but you should use what you have.  I started by sizing the image in the
computer and printing it out.  Then I die cut it using a scalloped rectangle
die from my stash.

My color combinations were not complex.  I used a 3-color blend
on just about everything.

Copic colors used:  YG11, YG63, G94, C0, C1, C2, C3,
B93, B95, B97, B00, B02, B23, Y02, R00, E93, YR02, 
YR23, YR15, YR31, YR04, YR000, YR00, V00, V01,
YR20, Y00, Y08, Y17, YR07, E08, E35, RV42, BG01,
R20, BG13, E31, E33, V04, YG91, YG95, R22, R14, E49
After I was finished with the coloring, I chose my
background papers...I chose 2 so I could layer.

I chose the plaid paper and rounded the edges and I covered an A2
size white note card and covered it with the blue and white dotted paper.
On the card itself I only rounded the 2 bottom corners.  I added my
colored panel and popped it up on foam.  I used a yellow glitter glue
and just put a tiny bit for the bees and I used Glossy Accents for
the jars and the honey on the frame that she's holding.  I added a few
yellow gold heart sequins to finish!

I had so much fun coloring this up!  Such an adorable card to give
to your friends!  You can find this stamp set and many, many more at

Til next time...


In my capacity as a temporary design team member for Polkadoodles, I do receive the products I use from them. 

All opinions and creative decisions remain my own, and I only work with companies/use products that I love.

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